Monday, December 22, 2008


Lots of things have been going on lately but I just haven't gotten around to posting!

First is my Christmas bonus! I got $50 extra this month cause of Christmas! I love this!!  I am now going to get a new DS Lite with it cause my current one's top screen has fallen off cause Nintendo can't fix a darn thing!!! Seriously I have sent in this same DS at least 3 times and we just have to send it back in after abut 3 or 4 months with it!  But oh well. Whatcha gonna do?

Next is the sledding trip I had with my friends on Saturday! I had so much fun!!! I got to see my girl friend and many of my other friends! I even got to make a new friend from it!  His name is Bradon Taylor and he is the friend that Hudson brought along.

Well anyways, that's all that's really happened.  Well have a very merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

149 SONGS!?!?!?

I really have that many songs on my playlist!?!? Im probably done with adding songs for now. Anyways. I know I have gone a little overboard with my playlist but it's so much fun adding songs to it! I come home from school, do my homework (if any!), and then go down to my moms computer and spend a ton of time on my playlist. Anyways, apparently dinners ready so I gotta go! See ya!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My New Songs

Yes, you may have noticed that I have gotten "creative" with my new song selection.  I have really been into Animal Crossing: City Folk lately so I decided to find music from the game and put it into my playlist.  The words of the weird, high-pitched songs are not in a different language!  They're just Nintendo's language they chose for the Animal Crossing games.  So I went a little song happy for my blog.  ALL of the songs are from a Nintendo video game.  I chose some of the best I could find so here ya go!

Monday, November 24, 2008


I was yelling exactly what the title is of this post for almost the entire time of the concert.  I had SO much fun.  I went with my mom (which was the best I could get for this concert... No offense mom!) to it and had a blast.  In all concerts, there is an opening band that plays to get the crowd warmed up.  The first opener, was Sleeper Car.  They're from Texas and their music was a mix between Country and Alternative.  I thought they were really good for an opening band.  However,  the second one..... Not so much...  It started out with this guy (who every one thought he was part of Coldplay, which was why every one was cheering really loud when he came out) who walked onto the stage right up to a big electrical device looking thing.  This music started play and a few moments later, images and little videos started to play on this screen which was to the left of him.  Now, the music that was playing wasn't really all that bad.  It was the images that were.  Imagine a cross between like those erotic, Japanese anime movies.  The ones filled with all the gore and.... bad stuff... (you know what I'm talking about...)  So anyways,  a cross between the Japanese anime; an EXTREMELY creepy Dr. Seuss book; and mix it all together with M.C. Escher's pattern like images.  It didn't have any "bad stuff" in it, but it was definitely creepy... And after around 30 minutes of this guy,  he finally stopped.

Then we waited...  Kept on waiting... And even more waiting....  After 45 minutes of waiting, Coldplay finally came out.  They went in the Viva la Vida album order of the songs.  Starting out with Life in Technicolor, moving onto Lost!, and then Clocks!!!  After those we moved to Cemeteries of London (which was awesome!!), then 42, and then Yes, and then Speed of Sound!!!! I liked Speed of Sound and Cemeteries of London best out of that section.  Then we had a little 5 minute break.

When they came back, they played Viva la Vida!!!!  Sure it might have only been half of the song, but it was still the best.  Then they did Violet Hill, moved onto Lovers in Japan, and then Strawberry Swing.  Then they were done.... Or so it seemed...  We waited for about 10 minutes this time and while they were gone, they played like a Karaoke version of Viva la Vida on the speakers and they dimmed the lights way down.  More and more people gradually started pulling out their cell phones and swinging them in the air slowly.  It looked so cool.  With all the lights turned off,  the place looked seriously like how a starry night sky  looks at Lake Powell.  I'll post my pictures of the concert in my next post.

Then the best part of the concert happened.  We saw a single spot light go on and point to the band.  Then, they started walking up to where me and my mom were sitting...  Don't call me a girl for this, but me and her both screamed at a really high note.  Then, once they had finally reached their destination in the audience,  Chris spoke.  He said "now this is the section of the concert we like to call Play an Instrument You Don't Know How to Play...   Except for So-and-So (I forgot what the name was but it was the drummer) here."  Chris was on the Harmonica and the drummer and one of the guitarists were on rock guitars.  The other guitarist was on a Sitar, which is kind of like a guitar in India.  They played an awesome song, but I didn't catch the name of it.  I was too busy snapping pictures.  After that, the drummer sang a song where occasionally, Chris and the others played their instrument.  After that,  they went back down and a section of the stage lit up.  There was a lone piano in the light.

They all went down and the 3 disappeared... Except for Chris.  He walked right down to the piano and talked a little bit.  Cracked a little joke and told us he was going to play a song called The Hardest Part, which is in the X&Y album.  What was awesome though, was that it was just piano and singing the entire time.  Chris sang for a little bit and then another spotlight shown on the drummer and he accompanied Chris with is voice as well.  Then after about a minute, the spotlight went only to Chris again.  He finished up and THEN every one thought that the concert was over...  Which it originally was.  But we just kept on clapping, and a minute later, Coldplay came back out.

Chris spoke again saying "Well Salt Lake City.  You guys just keep on wanting more, so we'll play one more song.  It's one of our favorite songs.  It's called... Yellow."  Every one cheered.  The lights in the stage just went entirely Yellow and they started playing.  The song ended and so did the concert.

I just entirely loved tis concert and I can't wait until the next time they do another.  Even if my parents don't pay for me, I'm still going.  Well,  this post needs to get wrapped up so in conclusion...


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Me not posting for a while...

Sorry I haven't posted in a long time.  Nothing really exciting has really happened for a while...  Well I know there was that Halloween party and Halloween and the elections but Nothing is really worth posting about...  Well  let me tell you about the stuff anyways.  The party was pretty good.  I had invited maybe around 40 people but only 20 showed up.  But that's ok! It was really fun anyways.  It went for about 3 and a half hours.  Thing is,  only half left at that time.  The other 10 just came inside and played the piano, apples to apples and other stuff.  After everyone had finally left, it was about 10:15.  Two of my friends had decided to stay a little longer which after a while turned into a sleep over that lasted till around 11:30 the next morning.  Anyways, it was a really fun time and I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime.

Ummm Halloween was pretty good.  I didn't get very much candy but oh well.  I was at my friend Alex's all day.  Hehehehehe... That was fun.  Even after trick-or-treating, I still wasn't done.  Me and Alex decided to have a sleep over at his house.  This would be my second sleep over in a row.  Any ways... Before the sleep over,  we went trick-or-treating with Alex's girl friend and we stayed in her neighborhood.  Not many people were home so we didn't get that much but once again, oh well.   It was a good Halloween so I'm happy.

The elections I just really want to skip because I am COMPLETELY Done with these politics...   Even though McCain is the better choice!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Many things you might not know about me...

1.  I have an awesome girl friend.

2.  My favorite band is Coldplay
3.  My favorite color is Midnight Blue or a deep red color.
4.  My favorite restaurant is Training Table.
5.  My favorite class is ArtIIB.  (All of my friends are in there with me.)
6.  My favorite movie is August Rush.
7.  My least favorite class is Earth Systems.
8.  I am repeating Algebra 1.
9.  I am mormon and very proud of it.
10.  I hate spiders.
11.  I have a pug named Yoshi.
12.  My favorite song is Viva La Vida by Coldplay.
13.  I'm 14 years old.
14.  My favorite book is Eragon.
15.  My best friends are Alex and Hudson.
16.  I have only broken my wrist.
17.  I'm in the schools Percussion Ensemble.
18.  I have two siblings,  my little brother, Simon, and my little sister, Emmy.
19.  I was the only boy cousin on my dads side of the family for 12 years and I am oldest by 5 years.
20.  My favorite video game is Super Mario Galaxy.
21.  I annoy the living crap out of Bodily.
22.  I love to play tennis with my girl friend and friends.
23.  I have another blog call
24.  My favorite car is a black 08 Shelby Mustang.
25.  I like school more than Summer Vacation because I get to see all of my friends and I'm not bored all the time.
26.  I do not enjoy reading even though I'm a very fast reader.
27.  I have many friends.
28.  Lots of other things I do not wish to write.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Halloween Dance...

That was an awesome night... Might just have been the best night I've ever had so far.  I danced the night away with my girl friend... That felt amazing.  I knew it was a Seminary dance so thought it wasn't going to be that great... Yet, somehow, she made me want it to go on forever.  I saw my friend Alex swing dancing with his girl friend, and I wanted to do it too.  But, she was feeling  really tired and I didn't want to make her feel exhausted.  After all! Swing dancing is one of the most energy consuming dances you can do!

But I was fine not swing dancing too.  I thought about it and I'm not that good of a dancer... AT ALL!  It was an awesome night and it just seemed so short.  Those two and a half hours went by like it was only thirty minutes!  I felt bad that I didn't dance with her for the first slow song.  But I was really nervous!  Then after the song was over, she went over and talked to her friends.  When she went over to get a drink, her friends came over and I got kinda yelled at... But I deserved it!  Anyways,  I had an awesome time though.  I can't wait till the Christmas Dance!

Me with yet, another blog.

Well, I saw Alex's posts and they were all very personal.  I decided to start yet, another blog.  Well, I was wanting to do a post on what my life was going through, but OvP HQ was for Halo geeks... Like me!  So here I am, ready for a great new blog!