Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Many things you might not know about me...

1.  I have an awesome girl friend.

2.  My favorite band is Coldplay
3.  My favorite color is Midnight Blue or a deep red color.
4.  My favorite restaurant is Training Table.
5.  My favorite class is ArtIIB.  (All of my friends are in there with me.)
6.  My favorite movie is August Rush.
7.  My least favorite class is Earth Systems.
8.  I am repeating Algebra 1.
9.  I am mormon and very proud of it.
10.  I hate spiders.
11.  I have a pug named Yoshi.
12.  My favorite song is Viva La Vida by Coldplay.
13.  I'm 14 years old.
14.  My favorite book is Eragon.
15.  My best friends are Alex and Hudson.
16.  I have only broken my wrist.
17.  I'm in the schools Percussion Ensemble.
18.  I have two siblings,  my little brother, Simon, and my little sister, Emmy.
19.  I was the only boy cousin on my dads side of the family for 12 years and I am oldest by 5 years.
20.  My favorite video game is Super Mario Galaxy.
21.  I annoy the living crap out of Bodily.
22.  I love to play tennis with my girl friend and friends.
23.  I have another blog call
24.  My favorite car is a black 08 Shelby Mustang.
25.  I like school more than Summer Vacation because I get to see all of my friends and I'm not bored all the time.
26.  I do not enjoy reading even though I'm a very fast reader.
27.  I have many friends.
28.  Lots of other things I do not wish to write.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Halloween Dance...

That was an awesome night... Might just have been the best night I've ever had so far.  I danced the night away with my girl friend... That felt amazing.  I knew it was a Seminary dance so thought it wasn't going to be that great... Yet, somehow, she made me want it to go on forever.  I saw my friend Alex swing dancing with his girl friend, and I wanted to do it too.  But, she was feeling  really tired and I didn't want to make her feel exhausted.  After all! Swing dancing is one of the most energy consuming dances you can do!

But I was fine not swing dancing too.  I thought about it and I'm not that good of a dancer... AT ALL!  It was an awesome night and it just seemed so short.  Those two and a half hours went by like it was only thirty minutes!  I felt bad that I didn't dance with her for the first slow song.  But I was really nervous!  Then after the song was over, she went over and talked to her friends.  When she went over to get a drink, her friends came over and I got kinda yelled at... But I deserved it!  Anyways,  I had an awesome time though.  I can't wait till the Christmas Dance!

Me with yet, another blog.

Well, I saw Alex's posts and they were all very personal.  I decided to start yet, another blog.  Well, I was wanting to do a post on what my life was going through, but OvP HQ was for Halo geeks... Like me!  So here I am, ready for a great new blog!